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Non-Technical SummaryThe interface between financial and real decisions may be a source of distortions if outside investors or providers of debt do not have the same information as the firms undertaking innovation and investment projects. This effect is welldocumented in theoretical models. Over the last 10 years, a large number of studies have appeared which also provide empirical support for the notion of financing constraints.Previous studies on financing constraints in Germany have mostly used panel data on large publicly traded firms. For these enterprises, little or no evidence has been produced that would point to the existence of financing constraints. Conversely, studies using survey data on smaller firms, but often employing no or less convincing controls for latent heterogeneity have consistently produced evidence that such constraints may exist. Moreover, there has been no study focusing on the potential impact of financing constraints on R&D expenditures of firms. This paper addresses these issues by employing a sample which mostly consists of manufacturing firms not traded in the German stock market. Moreover, since these firms perform R&D, data on R&D expenditures can be used to study the relationship between financing and innovation activities, and to compare the results to those from an analysis of investment and finance.In a first step, I employ accelerator and error-correction model (ECM) specifications as suggested by Bond et al (1997). While cash flow effects are quite strong in the accelerator models, allowing for more complex adjustment mechanisms in the ECM regressions weakens their effects. However, in the case of R&D expenditures significant, but relatively small effects remain for a subset of relatively small firms. In the case of investment in physical capital, the smallest firms are again characterized by such liquidity effects.There are a number of problems with the interpretation of the relationship between cash flow and investment. In particular, a firm that has entered into a new and profitable market is likely to experience relatively high cash flow which may signal further profitable investment opportunities. Thus, cash flow is also an indicator of furture investment opportunities and therefore a potential determinant of investment demand. While some of this effect may be captured in output growth, the potential for endogeneity biases remains. The paper therefore develops an alter...