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SUMMARYFouling is a serious problem'in the recovery and recycle of electrocoat pain4 and the membrane industry is actively seeking methods to reduce it. We have shown that piezoelectrically assisted ultrafiitration (PZ UF) produces significant flux enhancements during ultrafiltration of electrocoat paint; however, the high power consumption of the piezodriver offsets any pump power savings. On the other hand, high flux enhancements and a ten-fold lower energy consumption were realized by transmitting vibration directly to a UF membrane with a mechanical transducer. According to our initial experiments, these high flux enhancements may be achieved w i t h even less energy. Mechanically-assisted UF therefore promises to be a valuable process to lower the permeate and electricity cost of electmuat paint operations.We conducted experiments of ultraf'lltratioon of dextran solutions on flat sheet membranes to evaluate the dependance of PZ f l~ enhancement on parameters including the membranepiezodriver configuration, the nature of the driver, and the use of the polymer insulating coating on the driver. We found that the highest flux enhancements are obtained when the driver is in close contact to the membrane, without any intermediate separator, and a thin hard polymer coating is applied to the piezodriver for insulating purposes. Under the best experimental conditions, we achieved a flux enhancement of 4.2 for the Ntration of dextran.Additional ultrafitration experiments on flat sheet membranes were conducted for electrocoat paint under various conditions of pressure, feed flow, and paint composition. Pieze enhancements typically resulted in flux increases of about a%, but flux increases as high as a factor of 3.3 were obtained under some conditions. A 70&hour electrocoat paint ultrafiltration experiment was performed on a flat sheet membrane in a test cell simulating commercial operating conditions. Flux enhancement was consistently observed throughout the experiment upon applying power to the driver. However the flux declined slowly for both piezo-cell and control cell at the same rate, indicating that piemnhancement has no significant effect on the l...