Abstract:The paper analyzes results of the innovative activity of industrial enterprises, using surveys of innovative activity in the Ukrainian economy. The study estimates the impact of innovation on labor productivity on the basis of Crepon, Duguet, Mairesse methodology (CDM model). An econometric model is suggested to determine the depending of labor productivity on the research and development, the number of developed new products and new processes implemented in domestic enterprises during the period of 2000-2012. The paper confirms that innovation has a positive impact on labor productivity for Ukrainian enterprises. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the quantitative impact of innovation on labor productivity on the basis of econometric modeling in domestic enterprises. Keywords: labor productivity, domestic enterprise, impact of innovations, innovative activity, Ukrainian economy, innovations in Ukraine.
IntroductionThe current strategy of economic development of Ukraine is aimed at economic restructuring and establishing international economic partnerships. It urgently requires finding some new and improving the existing ways to increase labor productivity. High level of labor productivity is a main prerequisite for the effective functioning of the enterprises in market conditions as well as a major factor of competitiveness and, consequently, a foundation for the improvement of life quality.In order to achieve sustainable development and to succeed in the competitive market condition enterprises need to increase productivity. Moreover, it is necessary for them to reject the resource-oriented economy in favor of the innovation-driven one.In an increasingly competitive environment the enterprises, whose flexibility is based on ability to introduce innovations and to adapt to current requirements in shortest terms, are occupying leading market positions, so the importance of the innovative activities is greatly emphasized by the current economic conditions.While the Ukrainian economists tend to ignore the importance of modeling of the effect of innovations on labor productivity, their foreign colleagues are studying the interrelationship and mutual influence of these factors for many years. Among the researchers concentrating on that topic the following ones are worthy to be mentioned: Loof, H.A. Heshmati, R. Asplund, S.-O. Nåås; Griffith, R., E. Huergo, J. Mairesse, B. Peters; BenaventeJ.; Masso, J., P. Vahter; Crepon, B., E. Duguet; S. Robin; M. Polder, G. VanLeeuwen, P. Mohnen, W. Raymond, O. Grishnova and others.Despite the empirical studies are abundant, the assessment of the influence of the innovations (both product-and process-wise) is relatively vague, especially in quantitative terms.