The purpose of the study is to give recommendations on strengthening the economic potential of rural territories and single-industry towns of the Mangystau region through the development of ecotourism, ethno-cultural, historical and cultural tourism.Methodology. The purpose of this study was achieved using several methods, namely: the method of «anaiysis and synthesis» – the elements of the object of the study were studied and combined into a single system; the method of «hierarchical classifi cation» in the study of program and regulatory documents regulating the tourism sector; the method of «content anaiysis» in the research of literature and materials on the studied topic.Originality / value of the research. The study of the tourism sector in increasing the economic potential of rural areas and single-industry sities in the Mangystau region.Findings. The problems of the development of types of tourism in the development of rural areas and single – industry sities in the Mangystau region are considered, recommendations are given.