Tourism is directly related to passenger transport. For the improvement of quality of transport, thus-tourist services and quality of human life, the road vehicles are constantly developing. The moving speeds are rising and therefore-the accelerations acting on the passengers rise too. As a result-the comfort level drops. During cornering with high speeds lateral accelerations, which are a powerful irritant, causing discomfort, nausea and motion sickness called kinetosis, are generated. Systems for passenger cars tilting, which reduce lateral acceleration, are being used for a long time in railway transport. In automobiles such systems are harder to engineer and that is why they are still in experimental phase. A cheaper option is just tilting the seats in the automobiles. As children are the most vulnerable group of such kind of interference, the authors propose a special construction of a tilting child seat. The seat is designed, built and tested in real road conditions. Results from road and proving ground tests, showing a significant reduction of the lateral acceleration when using a tilting child seat, are shown in the paper.