In the research indicators of social risk (number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) and transport risks (number of deaths per 10,000 cars) are accepted as assessment criteria for accidents in the world. Based on statistics of accidents and the motorization level in countries with developed transport infrastructure, proper medical care and friendly, safe behavior of road users developed regression models of social and transport risks, the motorization level of which exceeds 200 cars / 1000 inhabitants, which distinguishes them from models of R. Smeed, which are based on statistical data of the thirties of the last century, data of the time when there were no well-known now and widely used systems of active, passive and post-accident safety of cars and roads, modern methods of traffic organization, high-tech means of onboard communication and control of traffic modes, intelligent transport systems, technologies, and drugs of emergency medical care and the like. It is determined that at the current level of traffic organization and ensuring its safety, minimal social and transport risks occur at the motorization level of 600 -700 cars per 1000 inhabitants.