Cryptography is described as the study of encrypting or secret writing of data using logical and mathematical principles to protect information. This technique has grown in importance in computing technologies for banking services, medical systems, transportation and other Internet of Things (IoT)based applications which have been subjected to increasing security concerns. In cryptography, each scheme is built with its own respective strength, but the implementation of single cryptographic scheme into the system has some disadvantages. For instance, symmetric encryption method provides a costeffective technique of securing data without compromising security. However, sharing the secret key is a vital problem. On the other hand the asymmetric scheme solves the secret key distribution issue; yet the standalone technique is slow and consumes more computer resources compared to the symmetric encryption. In contrast, hashing function generates a unique and fixed-length signature for a message to provide data integrity but the method is only a one-way function which is infeasible to invert. As an alternative to solve the security weakness