The millimeter‐wave radar sensor is widely used for urban traffic surveillance because of its weather resistance and high detection accuracy. Methods such as fuzzy theory, pattern recognition, and artificial neural networks have been integrated into the research of traffic state discrimination. However, research on systematically describing the fusion of sensors and traffic state discrimination algorithms to alleviate urban road congestion is still lacking, especially based on millimeter‐wave radar. Thus, the authors propose an urban traffic congestion alleviation system framework. First, the design and deployment of the millimeter‐wave radar system, including waveforms, signal processing flow, and target tracking, are demonstrated to achieve vehicle information acquisition and output. Then, the appropriate traffic parameters are obtained by analysing traffic state influencing factors and the radar data characteristics. Finally, a traffic conditions identification algorithm combining spectral clustering and neural network algorithm is presented to realise road congestion level classification. The system is applied to real urban intersections rather than simulation or approximate real simulation. According to the current road congestion level, regulate the traffic light state to achieve road vehicle driving command. Experiments show that the proposed system can effectively reduce road congestion by 20% compared to the current fixed traffic light system.