This paper presents a new sensorless control method for four-wheel steering vehicles. Compared to the existing sensor-based control, this approach improved dynamic stability, manoeuvrability and robustness in case of malfunction of the front steering angle sensor. It also provided a software redundancy and backup solution, as well as improved fault tolerance. The strategy of the sensorless control is based on the sliding mode method to estimate the replacement of the front steering input from the errors between the vehicle’s measured and desired values of the vehicle’s sideslip angle and yaw rate. The simulation results demonstrate that the observer effectively estimated the front wheel steering angle at both low- and high-speed scenarios in the cornering and lane change manoeuvres. Furthermore, the sensorless control approach can achieve equivalent control performances to the sensor-based controller including a small and stable yaw rate response and zero sideslip angle. The results of the study offer a potential solution for improving manoeuvrability, stability and sensor fault tolerance of four-wheel steering vehicles.