Collaborative As the rate of urbanisation is increasing at a very fast pace, there is a huge demand for Landscape planning with proper public space optimisation. China, a country which has witnessed rapid growth in population and economics, has become a target of urbanisation. The country is known for its aesthetic appeal in the Grand Canal cultural park, which has been a primary factor in the country's development since ancient times. However, landscape planning with efficient utilization of available public space in the region using contemporary computing technologies is the need of the hour. This work focuses on deploying Computer-Aided Design in landscape planning using the Artisan plugin, specifically meant for environment planning. The special tools available in this plugin help landscape planning architects to accurately study the characteristics of the landscape, like terrain, water bodies, planar regions, etc. Also, this work proposed a four-phased model that aids the development process of landscape planning activity by including micro-level factors that directly interact with the environment. In future, this model could be extended to include AR, VR, AI and ML technologies.