The immune system is a complex system, mainly including immune cells and immune organs. When the human body is invaded by foreign substances, the immune system will play a role in resisting the attack of harmful substances and pure necrotic cells, which is the defense structure of the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze children’s acute psychological stress and action stress, and judge the adverse effects on immune function. Through the stress experiment of rats, three experimental groups were set up, which were placebo control group, placebo stress group, and drug stress group. The experiments include material-level test, sugar preference test, body weight test, and lymphocyte test. The experimental data show that stress reaction not only causes negative emotions, but also reduces weight gain by about 5%, and sugar preference decreases by about 40% compared with the normal group. There was no significant difference in the number of granulocytes and intermediate cells in the blood, but the number of lymphocytes increased from 2.49 × 109/L to 5.03 × 109/L. It shows that acute psychological stress has an inhibitory effect on the immune function of the body; not only suitable load exercise can improve the immune function of the body but also the mechanism may be that moderate load exercise makes the rat axis has better adaptability, and improves hormones, cytokines, and cytokines. The secretion of neurotransmitters can maintain the stability of the body’s immune function.