This research designs a touchless fingerprint identification biometric system. This research problem stems from the user's need to change the conventional system to touchless in the hope of minimizing direct contact that can be scanned by someone who is not interested. This research aims to implement palm images in validating identity using GLCM (Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix) features with the K-Nearest Neighbours (K-NN) classification method in MATLAB. The identification process is divided into several stages: image acquisition, pre-processing, feature extraction with GLCM, and database matching using KNN classification. System testing uses the 10-fold cross validation method with 100 image samples (90 training images and 10 test images) that are tested in turn to calculate the average accuracy and analyze system performance. Furthermore, the test used GLCM angles (0o, 45o, 90o dan 135o) and K-NN with k values of 1, 5 and 7. The results showed the highest accuracy of 72% using an angle of 0° in GLCM and k=1 and the lowest at an angle of 90o and k=7 in K-NN. The advantage of this design is the recognition of the identity of the fingerprint owner in real time.