This paper aims to describe and interpret the chemical properties of forest soils in the Dobrogea Plateau. Data on soil analyzes are obtained in the laboratories of National Institute of Research and Development in Silviculture `Marin Dracea` after a recognized and accredited national and international methodology. There were analyzed soil reaction, base saturation degree, total cationic exchange capacity, humus content, total nitrogen and compared with results of soil analysis from other geographical regions of Romania. In the case of forest soils in Dobrogea Plateau, a higher pH was found than in other hilly or highland areas in the country to eutric cambisol, luvisol and preluvisol. Thus soil pH ranges from moderately acidic in the case of luvisols to low alkaline in the case of chernozems. Regarding the base saturation degree (V), there are higher values in this part of the country for preluvisol, luvisol and eutric cambisol and slightly lower values for phaeozem than in other regions of Romania. The amount of humus of eutric cambisols from Dobrogea Plateau is smaller than other hilly areas of the country and slightly higher than similar altitude areas.