Harmful effect of noise to the human health are various, begining from psihological to the irreversible damage of hearing. In order to prevent negative impact to the living and working environment, especially at the urban and industrial places where noise influence is the largest, at the specific location noise estimation must be performed before sources are build. Action of protection as well as reduction of the noise based on law and technical regulations, followed by detailed investigation are mostly applied in Banja Luka, the largest city of Republic of Srpska with huge dense of population and intensive traffic jam. Beside traffic noise, which has strongest effect to the human health, theoretical predictions are also performed for directional speakers, mostly temporary active in urban location during cultural manifestation. Theoretically obtained results from simulations are projected to the map of noise, where are further defined borders between places with enlarged noise in comparatione with referent levels, given by international standards but in agreement with national legislative. Review of data and their analysis in order to determine degree of the environment contamination in the Republic of Srpska with noise is the primary goal of this study. The measurement methods and theoretical assessment tools used for detection and prediction of these physical pollutants, which tend to grow permanently due to lifestyle, are also presented.