The dynamics of a modern aircraft at high angles of attack is complicated, with hazardous phenomena such as wing rock, stall, and spin. The paper presents a technique for cost-effective and safe studying of conventional and critical flight regimes and control validation using an autonomous scaled aircraft model mounted in a three-degree-offreedom gimbal in a wind tunnel. The similarity of the dynamics at high angles of attack of the wind-tunnel model and the free-flying model is demonstrated. To suppress the wing rock and to prevent the stall, two control laws are designed using linear matrix inequalities and model reference adaptive control techniques. The controllers are tested in a semifree flight of the autonomous scaled model in the wind tunnel. Wing rock suppression and stall and spin prevention are demonstrated.C nΔδ e = ∂C n ∂Δδ e C nδ a = ∂C n ∂δ a C l ; C m ; C n = roll, pitch, and yaw moment coefficients C l0 ; C m0 ; C n0 = static values of roll, pitch, and yaw moment coefficients C mq = ∂C m ∂q c∕2V c = mean aerodynamic chord g = acceleration due to gravity I = matrix of moment of inertia I xx = moment of inertia in roll Iyy = moment of inertia in pitch I zz = moment of inertia in yaw k 1;2θ ; k 1;2ϕ ; k 1;2ψ = friction coefficients M a ; M g ; M f = aerodynamic, gravity, and gimbal friction moments p, q, r = roll, pitch, and yaw rates Q fθ ; Q fϕ ; Q fψ = components of friction moment S = reference wing area V = velocity α, β = angles of attack and sideslip δ = vector of control effectors ΔC lδ r ; ΔC nδ r = increment of roll and yaw moment coefficients due to rudder deflection Δx c:g: ; Δz c:g:= misalignment of the center of mass with respect to the center of gimbals δ e ; Δδ e ; δ a ; δ r = mean stabilator, differential stabilator, aileron, and rudder deflections ϕ; θ; ψ = rotational angles in gimbals in roll, pitch, and yaw