In a temporal database, time-varying relations may be defined over multiple time-lines with varying rates of sampling and/or progress, for instance, multiple time series. There is a need to represent such data in a temporal model and provide query languages. In this paper, we propose a clocked temporal relational algebra, called , which supports temporal relations based on multiple time-lines. In the underlying model, temporal relations (historical data) are defined over clocks which are subsequences of an assumed global time-line. The algebra is uniform, it is a consistent extension of the relational algebra, and it includes a number of temporal operators to combine data based on different time-lines, as well as extensions of the operators of the relational algebra. The semantics of an operation of depends on the clocks of the relations involved in the operation as well as the relations. We outline a formal interpretation of expressions of , which also represent clocked relations, and sketch a naïve expression evaluation method.