THE SAUSAGE CONJECTURE (L. Fejes T6th, [8]). Let P be a packing of n __> 2 unit balls in E d, d __> 5. Denote by Vp the volume of the convex hull of these n balls and let nk be the volume of a k-dimensional unit ball. Then(1)Vp >= 2~d-l(n-1)+ rid. The equality holds here only if the centers of the balls of P are equally spaced on a line at distance 2. (Then their convex hull resembles a sausage.) This conjecture has been proved in a few particular cases. Betke, Henk and Wills [4] proved it for dimensions d __> 13387. By improving the method, Henk [10] recently improved the bound to d __> 45. In a still unpublished paper, Betke and Henk improved the lower bound on d to 42. Let Cn be the convex hull of the centers of the balls of P. The conjecture holds also in the following cases: dimC,~ _<_ ~(d-1), [3]; dim C~ <= 9 and dim C,~ __< d -1, [1]; Cn is a lattice zonotope, [2];Cn is a regular simplex and the balls are centered at its vertices, [7]. Another particular case is mentioned in [9, (2.7)]. Some related results are described there, too.The Theorem here proves the conjecture under yet other restrictions on the location of the balls of P. To specify the results, we need a few definitions. Let G = (V, E) be a polygonal network in E d with a set V of n => 2 distinct vertices (points) and a set E of edges, i.e. segments connecting some pairs of the vertices. The edges can cross or overlap. If a, b, c, d E V, ab E E and c, d E ab, then the segments cd, ca, cb are not necessarily in E. Thus G is a realization of a graph in E d (not necessarily an embedding). We will use for G the standard graph terminology.Suppose that (i) If segments ab, bc E E, then the angle Aabc >_ ~r/2. (ii) If a, b are adjacent vertices of G, then the distance ab (in E d) is at least 2. If they are not adjacent, then ab >__ 2V"2.