Geomodeling, or quantitatively predicting the distribution of subsurface reservoirs, is of great significance for evaluation and exploitation of underground water and energy resources as well as for geological sequestration of CO 2 (CCS). Generally, various types of information (data) about the subsurface are incorporated using geostatistical approaches for geomodeling. Such information includes sparse well data, geophysical data, global features (e.g., facies proportion), and spatial geological patterns, among which geological patterns may be the most challenging to incorporate. In traditional geostatistics-based geomodeling approaches, geological patterns can be partially expressed by simple variogram functions (e.g., in the Sequential Indicator Simulation method; Pyrcz & Deutsch, 2014) or local multiple points statistics (MPS) (in MPS-based approaches; Mariethoz & Caers, 2014). Such partial representations may be unable to completely express complicated spatial geological patterns, and thus there is a lack of realism (expected geological patterns) to different extents in the simulated results of these approaches, for example, facies models produced by variogram-based approaches cannot exhibit sinuous channel-like shapes, while MPS-based approaches may produce discontinuous channels. In addition, due to the incompleteness and imperfectness of the incorporated information (e.g., the sparse nature of well data and low-resolution nature of geophysical data), uncertainty exists in geomodeling results, and thus a number of reservoir realizations are generally produced to represent the potential distribution of subsurface reservoirs.Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Goodfellow et al., 2014) in deep learning are effective at capturing complete spatial patterns (structures) of 2D images or 3D objects using a generator Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), with the assistance of another discriminator CNN. With the captured pattern knowledge, the generator CNN can map a random latent vector into a realistic image or a realistic 3D object (e.g., Wu et al., 2016). Text S1 in Supporting Information S1 provides additional details about the basic methodology of GANs.