Animal research is currently an irreplaceable contributor to our efforts to protect and improve public health. Its relevance, importance, and contributions are represented in historical precedent, regulatory expectations, evidence of our rapidly developing understanding of human health and disease, as well as success in the development of novel therapeutics that are improving quality of life and extending human and animal life expectancy. The rapid and evolving success in responding to the current COVID pandemic significantly supported by animal studies is a clear example of the importance of animal research. But there is growing interest in reducing our dependence on animals and challenges to the effective translation of current animal studies to human applications. There are several potential contributors to gaps in the translatability of animal research to humans, including our approaches to choosing or rationalizing the relevance of a particular animal model, our understanding of their biological variability and how that applies to outcomes, the data we collect from animal studies, and even how we manage the animals. These important contributors to the success of animal research are explored in this issue of the ILAR Journal.