On-orbit servicing, assembly and manufacturing (OSAM) opens a new frontier for robotic systems. A gripping tool for such applications must meet several requirements of space mechanics, such as safety, precision and reliability, while functioning in space conditions. This paper presents a development cycle of such tools designed for the assembly of a small satellite antenna on the International Space Station. Two different grippers, driven by a common drive unit, are presented, conforming to a Multi-Purpose-Tool (MPT) for orbital robotic systems and meeting the requirements of a defined OSAM mission. Both design drivers and concepts and specific component selection are described. Proposed mechanical solutions for safe gripping of objects including space tribology aspects are covered. To adapted to operations not foreseen, the grippers and the drive unit can be reconfigured. The tool architecture presented promotes modularity, scalability, reusability and convertibility of designs, thus facilitating rapid integration in similar missions. A test campaign for critical requirements will be in place to ensure reliable performance of the tools for use in the space environment.