In the interest of improving scholarship in science education, a set of four bibliographies[l4] was prepared to provide a mechanism for locating more readily the literature so critical in the process of conceptualizing and conducting research and development activities. The intent was to increase the opportunity for quickly locating much of the pertinent literature so that precious time could be better used in studying original sources. Of late, many publications appear to be heavily dependent on secondary and tertiary references to ideas and research findings. If we could make it easier to locate key literature, a greater proportion of time could be allocated to scholarly study. A brief summary of the organization of the bibliographies follows.
Research Reviews in Science Edutation*This compilation was designed to give researchers and developers an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the research accomplishments in science education. It is possible to identify various lines of research: lines that have faded away, lines which reoccur periodically, and lines which persist. Examination of these reviews can give both the prospective and the continuing researcher an initial pulse on the research findings germain to their line(s) of research. These overviews, coupled with more detailed scrutiny of the original documents, will ensure that continued research and development will have a solid guiding force. Such study will tend to lessen "reinvention of the whee1"and verify that although language patterns change with time, many basic research thrusts persist, albeit in more sophisticated form. Also, it will be easier to determine to what extent research and development is advancing science education and to determine what the researchable problems are.The listing gives the consumer of research an indication of the general categories of studes pursued, the nature of studies conducted during specific time periods, the extent of replication of studies, and an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of science education research. The entries provide an awareness of research and development efforts