thank you all for the discussions and memorable moments during the process. I gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the research projects 'FP-Serve' and 'FORTUNE', funded by Business Finland (formerly TEKES-the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation) and 'FORESCOF', funded by the Academy of Finland. I am also grateful for receiving both the young researchers' grant and the dissertation completion grant from the University of Helsinki, as well as the research grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation. For the funding of my conference trips abroad, I want to thank the Finnish Society of Forest Science, the former Graduate School in Forest Sciences (GSForest), the Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources (AGFOREE) and my research projects. My sincere thanks go to pre-examiners Gun Lidestav and Erlend Nybakk for reviewing my thesis. A warm thanks also to Pekka Ripatti for agreeing to be my opponent. I would like to give special acknowledgements to the anonymous forest owner respondents whose time and interest made this dissertation possible. Also, thanks to the anonymous referees for reviewing our articles and to the language reviewers for making our articles and my dissertation more fluent. To my friends, thank you all for your loving friendship and for sharing in the great moments of my life. Thanks to my parents, Ilkka and Arja, my brother, Kalle, and my sister, Iida, for always helping and supporting me in all aspects of life. Thanks also to my extended family, Pekka, Kasper, Laura and the baby boy, for your great company. Finally, my deepest gratitude go to Jaakko for always believing in me and being there for me; and to my wonderful children, Elle and Rosa, for always bringing laughter and joy to my life. Helsinki, June 2019 Liina Häyrinen Häyrinen L. (2019). Finnish forest owner objectives as indicators for a diversifying use of forests on the road to a bioeconomy. Dissertationes Forestales 280. 54 p.