Cladocera, commonly known as ‘water flea’ due to the jerky movements produced by their second antennae, form an important food component for planktivorous fishes and other aquatic invertebrates. The present investigation comprising a collection of zooplankton samples from a shallow pond located in the Bishnah tehsil of Jammu district has revealed the presence of 13 Cladocera species belonging to the families Daphniidae, Chydoridae, Moinidae, Sididae, and Macrothricidae. Three species of the family Sididae belonging to the genus Diaphanosoma, namely, senegal, sarsi and excisum are new species records to the cladoceran fauna of Jammu & Kashmir. Presently, a detailed morphological analysis has been made on all the three Diaphanosoma species. They have shown major differences in their body size with D. senegal being larger than D. sarsi and D. excisum. All three species have well observable variability with reference to their head size, eye size, shell duplicature, shape of posterior valve margin, and the number of denticles so present on posterior valve margin. All the three species have also shown coexistence with each other, but D. senegal was dominant in terms of population density.