The number of studies approaching research on migration from the perspectives of racialisation and postcolonialism has increased considerably in the Nordic countries since the Millennium. These studies have produced important empirical knowledge and theoretically informed analyses of the histories and current processes in the Nordic societies, as well as of different diasporic communities living in the region. However, the theoretical approaches have often been borrowed from Anglo-American literature, while theoretical discussions and elaborations within the Nordic region have been scarcer. This Special Issue Developing Theoretical Perspectives on Racialisation and Migration engages in and develops theories on migration, racialisation and postcolonialism from the Nordic context, bearing in mind that 'Norden' is not an isolated region but part of global processes through multiple transnational connections and postcolonial power relations. Moreover, we seek to highlight how concepts and theoretical approaches on migration and racialisation need to be adjusted to and elaborated in a context characterised by welfare state ideologies and institutions, notions of allegedly homogeneous nations and claims of exemplary achievements in gender and socio-economic equality, as well as neoliberal policies.This Special Issue provides insights into how existing theories on racialisation and migration can be developed, revised and revisited -especially in relation to questions on how race and ethnicity intersect with the categories of gender, sexuality, class and age. The articles examine and discuss how the concepts race, racialisation and whiteness can be used for analysing the histories and current trends in the Nordic countries and what are the different ways of understanding and defining these concepts. Moreover, the contributions explore how postcolonial and decolonial theories can shed light on a geographical context that is often considered to be an outsider to colonial processes, since the countries' role in colonising non-European territories was relatively small -at least in comparison to colonial powers like Great-Britain, France and the Netherlands. Research has, however, shown the 'colonial complicity'