FIG. 1 Schematic diagram of the closed-loop RTRM.mart completions let engineers intervene with details of wells' operations from a distance. Smart wells transmit nearly continuous (real-time) data streams (pressure, fl ow rate, etc.) to the remote offi ce, providing immediate feedback on the consequences of recent decisions made and actions taken. Smart fi elds include multiple smart wells providing the possibility of managing the entire reservoir remotely and in real time. Our industry is now on the eve of making real-time reservoir management (RTRM) a reality. Artifi cial intelligence and data mining (AI&DM) is one of the key enabling technologies for RTRM. AI&DM enables us to process, model, and use real-time data streams, build accurate prototypes of sophisticated reservoir-simulation models that can respond to changes in model input in real time to help us make crucial reservoir management decisions and close the loop on highfrequency feedback to the reservoir model for making RTRM a reality.In short, the contribution of AI&DM technology to smart fi elds can be summarized in two items: (a) It provides the technological capabilities to automatically and autonomously handle high-frequency data streams received from permanent downhole gauges (data cleansing, data summarization, pattern recognition, adaptive online modeling, etc.); (b) It provides the modeling framework and workfl ows that allows the existing reservoirsimulation models to be run in real time, thus making RTRM possible.
RT R MReservoir management is defi ned as the practical science of developing a hydrocarbon fi eld in a manner that maximizes ultimate recovery. RTRM involves performing reservoir engineering analysis in real time to support frequent fi eld-management decisions, and using near-real-time feedback on the consequences from the reservoir/well to assess management decisions and reservoir performance. Therefore, RTRM is the enabling technology for the emerging smart fi elds. It is the closed-loop process during which the reservoir model is continuously updated by the information/ feedback received from the fi eld (by means of high-frequency data streams) that are the consequence of the decisions made and implemented, based on the reservoir model.The ultimate benefi t of the smart fi eld depends on the degree of our success in building and implementing RTRM. In other words, the value of highfrequency data streams is realized once we are able to use them in effectively updating the reservoir model and subsequently using the model to make fi eld-operational decisions. Therefore, the key to moving toward successful smart-fi eld operation is to be able to perform the following steps:
Acquire, process, and analyze real-time, continuous data streams from the wells.These real-time pressure and rate data provide indications of reservoir reaction to the operational decisions made by engineers using the reservoir model.
Use the real-time data as feedback to the reservoir model.By analyzing the high-frequency data in the context of the reservoir mo...