“…thermochemical sul phate re duc tion -TSR, mi cro bial sul phate re duc tion -MSR, ther mal de com po si tion of sul phur-con tain ing or ganic compounds of oil and or ganic mat ter, re ac tion of el e men tal sul phur with hy dro car bons, vol ca nic and plutonic pro cesses (Orr, 1977;Krouse et al, 1988;Machel et al, 1995;Worden et al, 1995;Worden and Smalley, 1996;Machel, 2001;Zhu et al, 2005;Zhang et al, 2008). This gas is com monly found as so ci ated with sul phate and car bon ate rock units form ing sour nat u ral gas res er voirs (Worden and Smalley, 1996;Aali and Rahmani, 2012;Liu et al, 2014;Bilkiewicz and Kowalski, 2020;Kotarba et al, 2020;Torghabeh et al, 2021;Cheng et al, 2022). Be sides its oc currence in these nat u ral gas res er voirs, the or i gin, mi gra tion and ac cu mu la tion of H 2 S has been also stud ied in con nec tion with coal seams (Liu et al, 2012;Deng et al, 2014;Tan et al, 2020;Xie et al, 2021), pe tro leum fields (Kotarba et al, 2017b) and the ex plo ra tion, de sign and op er a tion of geo ther mal fa cil i ties (D'Amo re et al, 1990;Mayrhofer et al, 2014;Jácome Paz et al, 2022).…”