Copyri ght 1886 , Steeri ng Commi ttee of the Eu ropees IOR -Symposium. This paper was presented et the 8th. Europees IOR -Symposium i n Vi enna, Austria , May 16 -17, 199 5 This paper was selected tor p resentation by the Stee ri nQ Committee, fol lowing review of information c ontained i n en abstract submitted by the authorls l . The paper, as p re sented hes not been revi ewed by the Stee ri ng Committee .
Abstrac tWe present a generalized streamline method that is able to model flow in porous media-including gravity, compositional effects and dispersion in three dimensions . First we describe the theory and discuss the approximations of the method . Then we compare the predictions using the streamline technique against high resolution numerical simulation . In cases where the principal flow directions are governed by the pattern of permeability, the agreement with conventional simulation is excellent, and the streamline method produces predictions free from numerical diffusion in two to four orders of magnitude less computer time . Last we present a large three-dimensional example and discuss the use of the method for reliable performance prediction for reservoirs where an ensemble of fine scale geostatistical descriptions of the permeability and porosity is known .Introductio n