This lecture note reviews the author's reservoir engineering work for nineteen years at Waseda University. Education and research were continued being based on a firm perspective on the oil and gas E&D industry. Students required a solid and convincing view grounded on proper analyses and incisive judgments about issues ranging from energy and environment to conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources. Efforts in education were composed of three components as course work, seminars, and extracurricular activities. The curriculum was organized with the requisite and minimum courses. Off-campus activities such as attending technical meetings and visiting oil fields were particularly useful and worthwhile for students to better understand the industry. Research was conducted selecting subjects mainly on reservoir modeling and simulation. Through much effort for developing compositional models and streamline-based models, modeling capabilities were enhanced to sequentially produce various models. Results of a CO 2 sequestration model, a waterflood management model, and an upscaling system are briefly presented in this note.