New Nd and Sr data indicate that two isotopically distinct terrains supplied sediment to the Silesian Pennine Basin. The sources consisted of a northerly-derived fluvial system, which was responsible for much of the detritus during Namurian times, and a second major system which entered at the west and south sides of the basin. This second source, which provided material derived from the former Avalonian/Armorican and Gondwanan terranes, became more influential through the Silesian, so that by Westphalian B/C times, the central parts of the basin were being fed by systems derived from the west and south of the basin. Although the inferred source rocks are petrographically diverse their Nd-Sr signatures are remarkably similar, perhaps due to multicyclic sediment homogenization. The change in provenance may reflect early Variscan tectonic activity to the west of the Pennine Basin.