This long journey has finally come to an end. I am endowed with a tremendous amount of support and encouragement throughout my PhD study. It was an incredible journey in which I have learned so many things and have been matured in so many ways. Although I am solely responsible for what has been written in this thesis, completing this thesis has only been possible with the help of numerous people I met and interacted during this journey. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor and promotor, Prof. Karst Geurs. His high quality standard of academic research has pushed me forward. Without his endless motivation, this thesis might not be completed. I also want to thank him for finding a way for me to stay longer in the Netherlands and, thus, have more time to finish my study. I am further deeply grateful to my daily supervisor, Dr. Lissy La Paix, for a very close and constant supervision. Lissy, you are my role model as a researcher who could accomplish so many things at such a young age. I am very fortunate to have you as my daily supervisor, to whom I could always talk to, even in time I needed a friend. I would like to thank the members of the graduation committee for their willingness to be part of this committee and allowing me to defend my thesis. Many people at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) also supported me during my PhD study. I would never be in this position without the help of Dr. Ibnu Syabri and Dr. Shanty Rachmat. I thank both of them for the supervision when I was about to start this project, during the fieldworks and for their contribution in one chapter of this thesis. I would like to thank Dr. Sri Maryati, my master supervisor, who informed me personally about this project when I just finished my master study. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all my colleagues in Regional and City Planning department at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, for their full support. Furthermore, this thesis would never exist without the help of several people in particular during data collections: mbak Retno Wihanesta, my predecessor in this project, who helped me with the data collection and established important contacts, and helped me with some practical stuff when I started this project. Also Husna Tiara, who helped me with a lot of administrative stuff vi