We show that a triangle Artin group Art MN P where M ≤ N ≤ P splits as an amalgamated product or an HNN extension of finite rank free groups, provided that either M > 2, or N > 3. We also prove that all even three generator Artin groups are residually finite.An Artin group Art M N P is even if all M, N, P are even. The above theorem combined with our result in [Jan20] (and the fact that Art 22P = Z × Art P is linear) gives us the following.Corollary C. All even Artin groups on three generators are residually finite.All linear groups are residually finite [Mal40], so residual finiteness can be viewed as testing for linearity. Spherical Artin groups are known to be linear ([Kra02], [Big01] for braid groups, and [CW02], [Dig03] for other spherical Artin groups). The right-angled Artin groups are also well known to be linear, but not much more is known about linearity of Artin groups. In last years, a successful approach in proving that groups are linear is by showing that they are virtually special. Artin groups whose defining graphs are forests are the fundamental groups of graph manifolds with boundary [Bru92], [HM99], and so they are virtually special [Liu13], [PW14]. Many Artin groups in certain classes (including 2-dimensional, or three generator) are not cocompactly cubulated even virtually, unless they are sufficiently similar to RAAGs [HJP16], [Hae20b]. In particular, the only (virtually) cocompactly cubulated three generator Artin group are Art 22M = Z × Art M , Art M N ∞ where M, N are both even, Art M ∞∞ = Z * Art M , and Art ∞∞∞ = F 3 . Some triangle-free Artin groups act properly but not cocompactly on locally finite, finite dimensional CAT(0) cube complexes [Hae20a].In [Jan20] we showed that Art M N P are residually finite when M, N, P ≥ 3, except for the cases where (M, N, P ) = (3, 3, 2p + 1) with p ≥ 2. Few more families of Artin groups are known to be residually finite, e.g. even FC type Artin groups [BGMPP19], and certain triangle-free Artin groups [BGJP18].Organization. In Section 1 we provide some background. In Section 2 we prove Theorem A as Proposition 2.5 and Corollary 2.9. We also show that the only irreducible spherical Artin groups splitting as graph of finite rank free groups are dihedral. In Section 3 we recall a criterion for residual finiteness of amalgamated products and HNN extensions of free groups from [Jan20] and prove Theorem B.