Most of the studies on this topic were carried out from the early 1960s to the mid 1980s. As is described in Chap. 2, hydrides can form as one of three phases, each of which has a different crystal structure and composition. A broad consensus had emerged by the 1980s that the fct c-hydride (c/a [ 1) is a metastable phase while the stable hydride phases are the face-centered-cubic (fcc) d-hydride and the face-centered-tetragonal (fct) e-hydride (c/a \ 1) phases, the stoichiometric compositions of these phases being, respectively, ZrH, ZrH 1.5 , and ZrH 2 . However, recent experimental results have reinvigorated an earlier suggestion that the c-hydride phase could be the stable phase below a peritectoid transformation temperature of *286°C. This issue concerning which phase is the stable one when the solvus concentration is exceeded below the a/b Zr eutectoid temperature of *550°C is not specifically addressed in this book. However, the issue has not been entirely ignored as various aspects of its role in fracture and phase relationships are raised in various places throughout this book, specifically in Chaps. 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Regarding the hydride habit planes, a consensus had emerged by the mid 1980s that the predominant habit of d-and c-zirconium hydrides in Zircaloy-2 and Zr-2.5Nb is on the near-basal, hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) a-Zr {1 0 1 7} planes (14°from the basal plane [6], carried out detailed examinations using transmission electron microscopy of the morphology, orientation, dislocations generated, and strain fields in and around hydride precipitates formed in high purity Zr, Zircaloy-2, Zr-1 % Al, and Zr-1 % Cr. All the hydrides observed by Carpenter et al. [12] in these low-H-containing materials were of the c-hydride phase. Figure 3.1 shows dislocations that had been generated by two needle-shaped hydrides nucleated in close proximity of an intermetallic particle. The dislocations around the hydrides were in the form of loop segments attached to the ends of the needles with Burgers vectors of type \1120 [ lying on or near the basal plane. Figure 3.2 shows schematically in a projection on the (0 0 0 1) plane the hydride orientations, dislocation loops, and their Burgers vectors observed. Large strain fields were associated with these small hydrides as seen in Fig. 3.3 which also shows how this strain field made it difficult to reveal the dislocations generated closest to the hydride's interface. Similar strong strain contrast was observed along the basal pole (c) axis direction, but none along the needle direction. Similar results for hydride shapes and dislocations emitted were obtained for the Zr-1 % Cr and Zr-1 % Al materials except that the orientations of the c-hydrides in the latter material were in the \1 0 1 0 [ aÀZr directions. Less regular features for the dislocations generated by hydrides in Zr were found as shown in Figs. 3.4 and 3.5 examined in electron microscopes at 100 kV and 1 MeV, respectively. Nevertheless, these dislocations had similar Burgers vectors as those found attache...