A B S T R A C T This paper provides approximate expressions for through-wall welding residual stresses in dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds of pressurized water reactors. An idealized shape of nozzle is proposed, based on which systematic elastic-plastic thermo-mechanical finite element analyses are conducted by varying the thickness and radius of the nozzle and the length of the safe-end. Based on the results, a through-wall welding residual stress profile for dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds is proposed by modifying the existing welding residual stress profile for austenitic pipe butt welds in the R6 procedure.Keywords dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds; finite element analysis; pressurised water reactors; through-wall welding residual stress profile.
N O M E N C L A T U R EA = area of weld bead, see Eq.(1) E = energy per unit length (J/mm), see Eq.(1) E = energy per unit length per unit thickness (J/mm 2 ), see Eq. (8) h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2 / • C), see Eq.(2) L = pipe length Q = energy rate per unit volume (W/mm 3 ), see Eq.(1) r, r i = mean and inner radius of the nozzle or the pipe, respectively, see Figs 2 and 4 T = temperature t SE , t P = thickness of the idealized nozzle and the pipe, respectively, see Figs 2 and 4 t = heating time x = radial coordinate from the bore of the nozzle or the pipe, see Figs 2 and 4 w SE = width of the safe-end measured at the outer surface (mm), see Fig. 2 η = welding efficiency, see Eqs (1) and (8) φ, θ , δ = non-dimensional coefficients in the R6 level 3 profile for austenitic pipe butt welds, see Eqs (5)-(7) φ M , θ M , δ M = non-dimensional coefficients of the proposed profile for dissimilar metal nozzle butt welds, see Eqs (11) and (12) σ a , σ h = axial and hoop residual stress, respectively σ 1.0p , σ 1.0w = 1.0% proof strength of the parent and weld material, respectively