RESUMOObjetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar a produção de flores da capuchinha e das cabeças do repolho, cultivadas como culturas solteiras e consorciadas. Foi estudada a capuchinha Jewel (Ca), em cultivo solteiro e consorciado com os repolhos de folhas verdes Sooshu (RV) ou roxas Red Extra Early (RR), sob duas (2) ou três (3)
ABSTRACTThis work has as aim to study yield of nasturtium flowers and of cabbage heads that were cultivated as monocrops and intercrops. Jewel nasturtium (Ca) was studied in monocrop and intercropped with Sooshu green leaves (RV) or Red Extra Early purple leaves (RR) cabbages, under two (2) or three (3) rows of plants per plot. The ten resultant treatments (Ca 2 , Ca 3 , RV 2 , RV 3 , RR2, RR 3 , Ca 2 RV 3 , Ca 3 RV 2 , Ca 2 RR 3 , Ca 3 RR 2 ) were arranged in a randomized block experimental outline, with three replications. Harvests of nasturtium flowers were between 30 and 155 days after transplant (DAT) and the ones of cabbages between 102 and 140 DAT. The highest number and the greatest fresh mass of nasturtium flowers (12,022,220 ha -1 and 8.20 t ha -1 , respectively) were obtained from monocrop system. For intercropping, the highest values were with purple cabbage (7,555,560 ha -1 and 5.04 t ha -1 , respectively. Average yields of fresh mass of cabbage plants of green leaves in monocrop system and intercropped were of 33. 78