“…consequence from a pulse disturbance event caused by the initial industrial operations of a pulp mill plant located upstream from the Río Cruces wetland (Escaida et al 2015;UACh 2015). The recovery processes begun in 2012 (Jaramillo et al 2018a(Jaramillo et al , 2018b and today, nearly 14 years after the disturbance, the population abundances and health conditions of swans, the spatial cover of the aquatic plant E. densa, and the transparency of waters across the wetland have recovered to their initial undisturbed state. The abundance of the affected biotic components of the wetland appear to be healthy (UACh, 2015(UACh, , 2017 and include biotic components such as macrophytes, fi shes, and river shrimps, amongst others (Lagos et al 2008).…”