Lack of Flexibility, Centralized Control, and Cost are limitations of the traditional network. Software defined networking (SDN) adds flexibility and programmability in network management by separating the control plane from the data plane. Distributed controllers with SDN are logically centralized at control plane and physically distributed at data plane. They are deployed to improve the adeptness and accuracy of the control plane, which could isolate network into few subdomains with independent SDN controllers. Traffic is dynamic and configuration between switch and controller is static. If one of the controllers fails, load imbalance arises. To address this problem of fault tolerance in distributed controller DCFT (Distributed Controller Fault Tolerance) model is proposed in this paper. A novel switch migration method with coordinator controller in a distributed SDN controller is proposed for providing fault tolerance through load balancing. The system architecture of the proposed model with different modules such as coordinator controller election, load collection, decision taking, switch migration, Inter controller messenger designed. On failure of coordinator controller switch migration discussed. Implement DCFT model in Mininet, derived results, The results show that our design could achieve load balancing among distributed controllers while fault occurs, regardless network traffic variation and outperforms static binding controller system with communication overhead, controller load balance rate, and packet delay. We compare our model with CRD (controller redundancy decision), MUSM (maximum utilization switch migration) and ZSM (Zero switch migration) techniques. Simulation analysis performed on custom topology. We compare packet delay, communication overhead and load balancing rate in a custom topology with before and after migration of switches. It's revealed that the DCFT model produces better performance in fault switches without impairing the network operation itself. Figure 8 depicts a communication overhead for the given topology.Since ZSM just arranges single controller, the correspondence overhead between controllers is 0. The single controller is easily in the overloaded state since it needs to process all the flow demands. In this way, correspondence overheads among switches and controllers are most extreme in ZSM. CRD migrates switch to the nearest controller to streamline the selection of target controller, which brings down the overhead between controllers. On the other hand, closest migration is easy to produce traffic congestion that may increase communication overheads between switches and controllers. if multiple switches swarm into nearest controller at the same time. MUSM lessens overhead by adding an extra controller and the communication overhead between switches and controller lowest.DCFT model considers multiple costs and adopts a greedy algorithm to look for the ideal outcome. Design of the DCFT model reduces information interaction of irrelevant controllers by...