“…Sample size ranges from very large samples (e.g., Abba-Aji, et al, 2020) to smaller samples (e.g., Mazza et al, 2020), or even single case studies (e.g., French & Lyne, 2020) whose results should be taken with caution. The age of the sample ranges from the adult population (e.g., Cudris-Torres et al, 2020;Littman et al, 2020) to the young population (e.g., Nissen et al, 2020), including populations without symptoms or with mild symptoms and without treatment (e.g., Abba-Aji et al, 2020;Fernández et al, 2020) as well as people with previously diagnosed OCD (e.g., Benatti et al, 2020;Jelinek et al, 2021;Hezel et al, 2022) of a different nature. The studies in turn will have been carried out at different phases of the pandemic: at the beginning (e.g., Abba-Aji et al, 2020;AlHusseini et al, 2021;Jelinek et al, 2021) or after the first wave, when few cases were recorded (Ji et al, 2020).…”