“…In an article entitled "Resistance documentaries in post-apartheid South Africa: Dear Mandela (Kell & Nizza, 2012) and Miners Shot Down )", Moyer- Duncan (2019), drawing on Tomaselli (1987), Steenveld (1992), Unwin and Belton (1992) and Maingard (1995), points at a comparison between the anti-apartheid films "protesting against conditions and being subjected to violence by the apartheid regime" (48) and the two films she selected for her study, both made approximately two decades after the transition to a democratic country. She expands on the films, contrasting those that were hastily-produced, often under clandestine conditions, such as Come Back Africa (1959), Let My People Go (1961) and Last Grave at Dimbaza (1974), with later films such as Mayfair (1984), Compelling Vision (1987 and Fruits of Defiance (1994), before mentioning the conditions under which contemporary resistance films are made.…”