ANALYSIS of case reports of generalized resistance to thyroid hormone (TH) revealed that the affected subjects frequently had a delayed bone maturation or anomalies of bone structure including stippled epiphyses and short metacarpals [1,2]. It was also recognized that 15% of subjects had a height below the fifth percentile and 8% belos the third percentile [3]. However, most measure ments were obtained in children, and it is not clea7 whether they ultimately achieved a normal height Although attempts to improve growth rate b) TH therapy were reported by several investigator [4][5][6], there have been, as far as we know of, nc reports on GH treatment in patients with resis tance to TH and short stature. In this study, wE have examined the response of height to GH treat ment together with increased doses of TH b) measuring serum concentrations of insulin-likf growth factor-1(IGF-1) during the course of treat ment.
mU/L).The basal metabolic rate measured by oxygen consumption was -9 %. Her pubertal development was initiated at the age of 11. As shown in Fig. 1, her growth curve became blunted
Subject and MethodsThe patient was a 13-year-old Japanese girl, previously reported by us (Patient A in [7]). Briefly, she was initially diagnosed as having generalized resistance to TH at the age of 11. Her serum fre€ thyroxine (T4) was increased at 6.81 ng/dl, but serum TSH was not appropriately suppressed (3.C