The phenomenon of faculty's resistance to use technology in higher education is the focus of this research as a secondary reading of the existing relevant research with the purpose of analyzing factors of resistance and finding the solutions. This paper is an excerpt from a Doctoral dissertation and is focused on the causes of resistance and finding possible solutions to re-think resistance (Matrosova Khalil, 2011, 2012. It is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the understanding of resistance factors, add to the development of the theoretical basis of re-thinking resistance, and to create a path for redirecting away from psychological defensive behavior expressed by faculty. This last aspect is characterized as part of emotional and behavioral resistance, which this research hopes to transform from a negative to a positive attitude towards change.
MethodologyThe factors of faculty resistance to technology in academia will be investigated in this qualitative study by reviewing (as a secondary reading) and analyzing already existing research, and combining the many survey results of the previous research in one new analysis. This study is seen as an identification of the process of change from resistance to learning and accepting technology. This new analysis and its recommendations would be helpful for faculty and leadership in recognizing the factors that cause resistance in their institutions, thereby being able to create a path for overcoming the problem.The purpose of this investigative qualitative study is to analyze the phenomenon of faculty resistance to technology in academia and to add to the development of the theoretical basis for re-thinking this resistance. Organizational change is needed to overcome the factors of faculty resistance in using technology. Although a majority of research is done on the factors of faculty resistance to technology and resistance to change in academia, the fact of the resistance remains. The question is: "How one can use the rich data on resistance to change faculty attitudes?" Several authors propose to "re-think" resistance to change in order to help employees go through the change process in an organization (Diamond, 1986;Piderit, 2000;Oreg, 2006). The factors of resistance vary from one research study to another, as well as the recommendations for improving this situation. There is a need to organize these factors so the picture of faculty resistance to technology can be reveal in all its details. To treat the problem one should identify its causes. The categorization of the many causes of resistance should be presented as one clear document, serving as a "blue print" for administration and leadership in institutions of higher education in order to identify