The effects of the finite size of a liquid drop undergoing a phase transition are described in terms of the complement, the largest (but mesoscopic) drop representing the liquid in equilibrium with the vapor. Vapor cluster concentrations, pressure and density from fixed mean density lattice gas (Ising) calculations are explained in terms of the complement generalization of Fisher's model. Accounting for this finite size effect is important for extracting the infinite nuclear matter phase diagram from experimental data.
PACS numbers:Finite size effects are essential in the study of nuclei and other mesoscopic systems for opposite, but complementary reasons. In modern cluster physics, the problem of finite size arises when attempts are made to relate known properties of the infinite system to cluster properties brought to light by experiment [1]. For nuclear physics, the problem is the opposite: finite size effects dominates the physics at all excitations and the challenge is generalize specific properties of a drop (nucleus) to a description of uncharged, symmetric infinite nuclear matter. This goal has been achieved already for cold nuclei by the liquid drop model. Finite size effects are also encountered in nuclear physics in efforts to generate a liquid-vapor phase diagram from heat capacity measurements [2] and fragment distributions [3].We present a general approach to deal with finite size effects in phase transitions and illustrate it for liquidvapor phase coexistence. A dilute, nearly ideal vapor phase is in equilibrium with a denser liquid phase; finiteness is realized when liquid phase is a finite drop. A finite drop's vapor pressure is typically calculated by including the surface energy in the molar vaporization enthalpy [4,5]. We introduce here the concept of the complement to extend and quantify finite size effects down to drops as small as atomic nuclei. We generalize Fisher's model [6], deriving an expression for cluster concentrations of a vapor in equilibrium with a finite drop and recover from it the Gibbs-Thomson formulae [8]. We demonstrate our approach with the lattice gas (Ising) model.The complement method consists of evaluating the free energy change occurring when a cluster moves from one phase to another. For a finite liquid drop in equilibrium with its vapor, this is done by virtually transfering a cluster from the liquid drop to the vapor and evaluating the energy and entropy changes associated with both the vapor cluster and the residual liquid drop (complement). This method can be generalized to incorporate energy terms common in the nuclear case: symmetry, Coulomb (with caution [7]) and angular momentum energies.In the framework of physical cluster theories of nonideal vapors (which assume the monomer-monomer interaction is exhausted by the formation of clusters), clusters behave ideally and are independent of each other. The complement method is based upon this independence. Physical cluster theories state that the concentrations of vapor clusters of A constituents n A (T ) depe...