To describe the experiences of older adults around forced displacement due to the
Colombian armed conflict.
Interpretive-comprehensive study, with a hermeneutical approach; several types of
sampling were carried out. The participants were 12 people aged over 60 years, who
reported having being displaced and who participated in the SABE Colombia Survey.
The data were encoded using the Atlas.ti software. A process of condensation of
central analytical, support and emerging categories was made.
The displacement generated by the armed conflict has been decisive in the current
life conditions of the participants. They know that they are survivors of someone else's
violence; there is dislocation, loss of territory, de-anchoring, lack of protection and
insecurity. To the stigma of old age, it is added being displaced and being strangers in
a place where they don’t belong. They live the violent uprooting of their lands and the
confusion of their identity; they found themselves in a foreign scene where they were
the unusual and the strangers; from receiving threats, they passed to be labeled as
‘threatening’. This forced displacement stems from violence, but also from fear, and it
marks the trajectory of life for older people who experience a prolonged struggle for
survival in often hostile environments, living "permanently" displaced.
When there is displacement, older people are not only shed of their land and their
home, but also from their cosmos and their vital referents; in addition, it changes their
life trajectory and their place in the world. Interventions should be designed based on
specific particular and contextual analyses.