Artificially layered superlattices were grown, by stacking in sequence ultrathin epitaxial layers of (Ba 0.9 , Nd 0.1 )CuO 2ϩx and CaCuO 2 . Starting from ͓(Ba 0.9 , Nd 0.1 )CuO 2ϩx ͔ m /͓CaCuO 2 ͔ 2 superlattices with m ϭ2, the thickness of the Ba-Cu-O block, separating adjacent Ca-Cu-O superconducting blocks, was gradually increased up to mϭ10. We found that, increasing m, superlattices show a moderate decrease of the critical temperature and a sizeable increase of the anisotropy. In the superlattices with mу4 the superconducting layers are completely decoupled, showing, relative to the mϭ2 superlattice, a decrease of the transition temperature less than 10% and an increase of the anisotropy by a factor ϳ2-3. Superconductivity at 55 K was found in ultrathin films only consisting of one (CaCuO 2 ͒ 2 layer sandwiched between five (Ba 0.9 , Nd 0.1 ͒CuO 2ϩx layers, demonstrating that the interlayer coupling in mу4 superlattices is negligible.High-temperature superconducting materials ͑HTSC͒ have a layered structure ͑''natural'' superlattices͒ consisting of two different blocks, with different functional properties, regularly stacked along the c-axis, named the ''infinite layer'' ͑IL͒ block and the ''charge reservoir'' ͑CR͒ block. The IL block consists of N ͑with 1рNр4͒ CuO 2 planes ͑considered essential for high temperature superconductivity͒ separated mostly by alkaline earth. 1 The composition and crystallographic structure of the CR blocks vary from compound to compound. It is commonly accepted that the role of the CR block, in HTSC materials, is to furnish extra chargecarriers to the otherwise insulating IL block.Due to the extremely short coherence length along the c axis, adjacent IL conducting blocks are only weakly coupled, so that HTSC materials show a quasi two-dimensional ͑2D͒ character in a large number of their physical properties. 2 The zero-temperature coherence length of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ ͑YBCO͒, for instance, is 2-3 Å along the c axis ͑Ӎ15 Å in the a-b plane͒, much shorter than the c-axis lattice parameter ͑Ӎ12 Å͒. 3 Nevertheless, YBCO behaves as a threedimensional anisotropic superconductor, at least near T c . On the other hand, the Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca NϪ1 Cu N O 2Nϩ4ϩ␦ ͓BSCCO 22(NϪ1)N͔ compounds, where adjacent conducting blocks, containing N superconducting CuO 2 planes, are separated by two Bi-O layers, are found to be much more anisotropic than the YBCO compound, showing nearly two-dimensional behavior in many physical properties. 4 Although all HTSC materials are strongly anisotropic, the question of the necessity of coupling ͑even very weak͒ between neighboring conducting blocks for the superconducting properties is still open.In the past, several experiments have been carried out on ultrathin superconducting YBCO layers ͓always sandwiched between thick nonsuperconducting PrBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 ͑PrBCO͒ layers͔, on one-half unit cell thick BSCCO 2212, and on ͑YBCO͒/͑PrBCO͒ superlattices in which the thickness of the PrBCO barrier layer, deposited in order to separate successive ultrathin YBCO layers, was c...