“…ECD spectra showed agood alignment to the corresponding UV/Vis electronic absorption ranges.C onsidering the propeller-shape configuration as the origin of the chiral activity,n og reat differences with respect to the UV/Vis absorption spectra were expected, due to the presence of additional elements of chirality.I nt his sense,E CD results showed perfect mirror-image Cotton effects with two main bands (B/C) detected at 335/380 nm for 1 and 339/392 nm for 2.T he absorption anisotropy factor, j g abs j= De/e, [50] of both radicals was also evaluated and the following values ( 10 À3 ) were calculated:2 .99 (at 335 nm)/1.84 (at 339 nm) (B band), 1.38 (at 380 nm)/1.44 (at 392 nm) (C band) and % 0.55 (at 545 nm)/0.95 (at 552 nm) (D band) for 1/2,r espectively. ECD response of 2 was previously reported by Irurre et al [44] and, surprisingly,Bband (instead of Cband) was the main feature of their ECD spectrum. In that occasion, the AC of both enantiomers was assigned attending to the sign of the Cotton effect of the given band, this is:( P)-(+ +)-2 and (M)-(À)-2,following the helicity rules in ECD.…”