“…2 Score on the Bush-Francis scale before and after treatment could then be measured. 5. All patients should be tested for serology with a comprehensive panel of autoantibodies, using as a model the work of Endres et al: anti-NMDA receptor antibodies, antibodies against other neutroansmitter receptors (AMPA-1/2-R, GABA-B-R,VGKC-complex), antibodies against intracellular synaptic antigens (GAD, amphiphysin), and intracellular onconeuralantigens (Yo,Hu,Ri, Cv2/CRMP5, Ma1,Ma2,SOX1), and anti-thyroid antibodies (anti-thyroidperoxidase antibodies, antithyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies).…”