A comparison between the density in surrounding galaxies today and a few billion years ago provides a new upper bound on neutrino mass. Neutrinos are infamously lightweight particles that are near impossible to detect, let alone place on a scale. Yet our most basic model for understanding the symmetries of matter and particles rests on an accurate measure of the neutrino masses.Over the past decade, observational cosmology has taken a leading position in providing an upper bound on these masses. Now, in a paper appearing in Physical Review Letters, Shaun Thomas, Filipe Abdalla, and Ofer Lahav at University College London in the UK [1] predict that the total neutrino mass, summed over the three neutrino families, is smaller than 0.28 eV-the tightest upper bound yet. Their prediction is based on a new mapping of the distribution of density of surrounding galaxies.Until recently, neutrinos were described in the standard model of particle physics as massless particles with three "flavor states": the electron, muon, and tau neutrino. The 1998 discovery at Japan's Super Kamiokande neutrino observatory that neutrinos oscillate between these flavor states brought the first direct experimental evidence for new physics beyond the standard model and lead to the picture that neutrino particles should be viewed as three "mass states," each of which is composed of a mixture of the three flavor states in fixed proportions that are parametrized by "mixing angles." Flavor oscillations depend on these angles, as well as on the differences between the squares of each mass. The details of this model are, however, still uncertain.In fact, because neutrino particles are so light and difficult to measure, they come saddled with a host of enigmas: Do neutrinos have the same mathematical structure as quarks and electrons (namely, "Dirac fermions") or a yet unobserved structure in which they would be their own antiparticle (referred to as "Majorana fermions")? Do their interactions violate chargeparity (CP) symmetry as is the case for quarks? What is the origin of their mass? What role did they play in the early evolution of the Universe that explains the excess of matter over antimatter that we now observe? Addressing these questions through all possible experimental techniques gives us an opportunity to probe new sectors of particle physics.Over time, experiments have yielded various bounds on neutrino masses. For example, the probability of flavor oscillation for solar or atmospheric neutrinos gives access to two mass square differences, but such results provide a lower bound on only two out of the three masses, and no upper bound on any of them. Currently, the lower bound on the largest neutrino mass is 0.05 eV. Tritium beta decay experiments are able to provide an upper bound on the sum over the three neutrino masses, M ν , but it is still on the order of 7 eV [2]. Germany's KA-TRIN experiment, a next generation tritium beta-decay experiment starting in 2012, could tighten this bound by another order of magnitude.Cosmological observ...