Understanding the entanglement of radiation in QFT has been a long standing challenge in high energy physics, with implications ranging from black hole thermodynamics to quantum information. Progress has been traditionally limited to consideration of either universal quantities fixed by symmetries, or global properties of the asymptotic states. Here we demonstrate how the free fermion in 1 + 1 dimensions allows to go beyond by revealing the details of the density matrix of the radiation produced by a moving mirror, that in general breaks all conformal symmetries. We achieve this by using the resolvent method rather than standard CFT techniques, and derive closed expressions for the Rényi entropies, modular Hamiltonian and flow of the radiation. We determine the conditions under which mirrors generate unitary transformations, leading to Page curves resembling those expected from black hole evaporation. These results also yield the Rényi entropies on AdS2 with reflecting asymptotic boundary conditions, which have applications to recent discussions of Hawking radiation. The results are ready to be used for a variety of applications in the field.