We report the first measurement of size-resolved photoelectron angular distributions for the valence orbitals of water clusters with up to 20 molecules. A systematic decrease of the photoelectron anisotropy is found for clusters with up to 5-6 molecules, and most remarkably, convergence of the anisotropy for larger clusters. We suggest the latter to be the result of a local short-range scattering potential that is fully described by a unit of 5-6 molecules. The cluster data and a detailed electron scattering model are used to predict liquid water anisotropies. Reasonable agreement with experimental liquid jet data is found.A detailed understanding of elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons in liquid water is of fundamental importance for the modelling of radiation damage in biological systems, the description of the behaviour of the solvated electron in chemistry, and for the quantitative interpretation of photoelectron spectra of liquid water and aqueous solutions [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. For slow electrons (electron kinetic energy eKE ≲ 50 eV), detailed experimental scattering parameters (differential scattering cross sections and energy losses) were so far only reported for amorphous ice [9]; with the exception of very slow electrons (eKE ≲ 6 eV), for which liquid water data were recently obtained from photoelectron velocity map imaging (VMI) of liquid water droplets [10]. Since there is little reason to expect substantial differences between amorphous ice and liquid water for electronic scattering processes (eKEs ≳ 6 eV) the amorphous ice and liquid droplet data [9,10] should now provide a reasonable data set for scattering simulations of liquid water. In addition, electron attenuation lengths (EALs) for eKEs ≳ 3 eV are available for liquid water from various microjet studies [11-13], which, however, do not allow quantitative predictions of the scattering contributions.The photoelectron angular distribution (PAD) is particularly sensitive to electron scattering and has thus recently received increasing attention in this context [7,10,[13][14][15][16][17][18]. Often, the information in the PAD is described by a single anisotropy parameter β (see Eq. ( 1)). For the liquid microjet, this is an approximation which we also follow in the present work. For ionization from the O1s orbital of liquid water, Thürmer et al. observed a more isotropic PAD; i. e. a smaller β-value; for liquid water compared with gas phase water over the eKE range from ~12 -450 eV [13]. For core-level ionization, this reduction is assumed to mainly arise from electron scattering within the liquid. For the ionization from the valence orbitals 1b 1 , 3a 1 , and 1b 2 , additional changes in the initial state due to orbital mixing also mediated by hydrogen-bonding are expected to contribute to the difference in β-values between gas and liquid phase. While monomer gas phase β-parameters have been reported for the three valence orbitals at photon energies 18 eV ≤ hν < 139 eV [15,16,[19][20][21], corresponding values for liquid water have t...