Reaction of 2-chloro-2-(diethoxymethyl)-3-substitutedoxirane or 1-chloro-1-(substituted) -3,3-diethoxypropan-2-one with pyridine-2-thiol in EtOH at 25 • C yields 3-(diethoxymethyl)-3hydroxy-2-substituted-2,3-dihydrothiazolo[3,2-a]pyridin-4-ium chlorides, which subsequently, in MeCN at 85 • C, transforms into ring-opening products, 2-((2-carboxy-1-(substituted) -2-hydroxyethyl)thio)pyridin-1-ium chlorides. The tetrel (C···O) and chalcogen (S···O) bonds are found in the structures of 5 and 6, respectively. Compound 6 is also present in halogen bonding with a short O···Cl distance (3.067 Å). Both molecules are stabilized in crystal by tetrel, chalcogen, and multiple charge-assisted hydrogen bonds.Furthermore, all types of chalcogen bonding, viz. negative charge-assisted, positive charge-assisted, conventional (or "neutral"), and resonance-assisted, have been well employed in crystal growth and design [10].On the other hand, the charge-assisted hydrogen bonding (CAHB), viz. interactions of the X(+)-H···Y(−) type with the X-H donor belonging to a cation and the Y acceptor belonging to an anion, constitutes a particularly powerful tool used in the synthesis and design of new compounds [9,20,21]. CAHBs can control a great variety of synthetic operations involving molecules with groups exhibiting acid-base properties [20,21]. Due to the strength and directionality of the CAHB, this type of noncovalent interaction has an impact on the synthesis of coordination compounds [9], crystal engineering [20][21][22][23], etc. In most cases, due to the additional electrostatic interactions involved, CAHBs are stronger in comparison to normal hydrogen bonds.On the other hand, α-hydroxy carboxylic acids are versatile and powerful intermediates for the synthesis of various chiral compounds with unique properties [24][25][26][27]. Furthermore, the functionalization of α-hydroxy carboxylic acids with 2-tiopyridine (expected chalcogen bond donor) moiety can increase their bioactivity, donor sites towards coordination, etc.Hence, on the basis of the above considerations, in this work we synthesized 2-tiopyridine functionalized α-hydroxy carboxylic acids (e.g., 2-((2-carboxy-2-hydroxy-1-arylethyl)thio) pyridin-1-ium chlorides (Scheme 1), having tetrel, chalcogen, and charge-assisted hydrogen bonds.