The NADH-quinone oxidoreductase from Paracoccus denitrificans consists of 14 subunits (Nqo1-14) and contains one FMN and eight iron-sulfur clusters. The Nqo3 subunit possesses fully conserved 11 Cys and 1 His in its N-terminal region and is considered to harbor three iron-sulfur clusters; however, only one binuclear (N1b) and one tetranuclear (N4) were previously identified. In this study, The energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase is located at an entry point of the respiratory chain of mitochondria and bacteria, and catalyzes the redox coupled H ϩ or Na ϩ ion transport reaction (1). The enzyme complex is one of the largest and most complicated membrane-bound respiratory chain enzymes ever known. Mitochondrial enzyme (complex I) is composed of at least 46 subunits (2, 3), whereas the bacterial counterpart (NDH-1) such as those from Paracoccus denitrificans and Thermus thermophilus consists of only 14 subunits (4). All 14 subunits of the NDH-1 are homologous to their mitochondrial counterparts. Complex I/NDH-1 share many structural and enzymatic properties. Complex I/NDH-1 is composed of two distinct domains, a hydrophilic extramembrane domain (promontory part) and a hydrophobic membrane domain. Each domain plays a distinct role in the energy transducing reaction (5-9). Generally, the enzyme complexes contain the same type and number of redox components: one non-covalently bound FMN and up to eight iron-sulfur clusters (10). All of these redox cofactors are located in the promontory part where the oxidation of NADH and the subsequent electron transfer reaction takes place toward the membrane part. In the membrane part, a lipid-soluble quinone molecule accepts electrons. In this terminal reaction step, some membrane-bound quinone species are suggested to be involved (11, 12); however, these quinone-binding sites remain to be located. These redox reactions are endergonic, releasing free energy that is used to transport ions (H ϩ or Na ϩ ) through channels, which are thought to traverse the membrane domain. In the case of bovine heart mitochondrial complex I, ϳ4 H ϩ are transported during the electron transfer from NADH to quinone pool. However, the energy coupling mechanism has not been solved experimentally. The understanding of this process is a crucial issue of complex I bioenergetics.Among the eight iron-sulfur clusters common in complex I/NDH-1 family, six clusters are generally detectable by EPR spectroscopy in situ, namely two [2Fe-2S] clusters, N1a and N1b, and four [4Fe-4S] clusters, N2, N3, N4, and N5 (10). Thus far, subunit locations of clusters N1a, N1b, N3, and N4 have tentatively been assigned based upon biochemical/physicochemical investigations of mammalian and microorganisms (10) and a series of expression studies of the individual putative iron-sulfur cluster-binding subunits of the P. denitrificans enzyme (13-15). Furthermore, two additional [4Fe-4S] clusters, which have not been detected by EPR in situ, are coordinated in the TYKY/Nqo9/NuoI subunit (nomenclature used for bovine heart mi...